报告人: 方 忠 研究员 (中科院物理所)
报告题目:Topological Insulators and Topological Semimetals
In additional to topological insulator, the topological semimetal is a new non-trivial state with Fermi points in the bulk and Fermi arcs on the surface. In this talk, I will start from our earlier works for Bi2Se3 family topological insulators, and then move to the recent studies for topological semimetals. I will discuss several possible realizations of those non-trivial states, based on first-principles calculations. In particular, I will address the HgCr2Se4 and Na3Bi compounds.
方忠,中国科学院物理研究所研究员。1996年华中理工大学博士毕业。1996年至2003年访问日本、美国。2003年回物理所工作。主要从事于计算凝聚态物理,新奇量子效应、拓扑绝缘体等方面的研究工作。共发表SCI文章100余篇(包括5篇SCIENCE,2篇Nature Physics,20余篇Phys. Rev. Lett.等),他引5000余次。2004年获国家杰出青年科学基金;2008获得国际理论物理中心ICTP奖;2011年当选美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)。关于拓扑绝缘体的研究工作获2011年“求是杰出科技成就集体奖”、“中国科学院杰出科技成就奖”集体奖。
报告人: 薛飞 博士
(Department of Physics, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland (瑞士) )
报告题目:Nano Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Semiconducting Nanowires
I will present force-detected magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experiments on semiconductor nanowires. Magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) has a sensitivity surpassing that of the best conventional, inductive MRI detectors by 8 orders of magnitude. In 2009, IBM researchers demonstrated the promise of MRFM by capturing 3D images of individual virus particles with a resolution better than 10 nm, where the contrast of image is from 1H nuclei. In this presentation, I will describe our efforts to image the small ensemble of nuclear spins contained in a single InP nanowire, where the contrast of image is from three isotopes: 1H, 31P and 115In.
薛飞博士2004年毕业于中国科学技术大学近代物理学,从师于韩荣典和周先意教授。毕业后先后到中科院理论物理所、日本物化所(RIKEN)、以色列技术所和瑞士贝塞尔(Basel)大学从事博士后研究。近几年在纳米磁共振力成像(Magnetic resonance force microscopy(MRFM))、量子计算与量子信息等方面开展了系列理论和实验研究,并做出了具有开创性的重要结果。
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