(Single-phase slips)观察
In this talk he will present evidence of individual quantum phase slips (QPS), quantum mechanical tunneling events that gives rise to momentarily electrical resistance in superconducting aluminum nanowires. QPS appear as stochastic switching from deep in the superconducting state to the normal resistive state upon the injection of a discrete current pulse. QPS are seen only in the low temperature limit when the electrodes contacting the wires are superconducting. When the electrodes are normal at a higher temperature, QPS are suppressed. This is the case because the normal electrodes provide a dissipative environment, a la the Calderia-Leggett model of quantum tunnelling, that stabilize the superconducting state of the nanowires.
Moses Chan: 1974年获得Cornell University的理学博士学位,1994年起为宾州州立大学最高荣誉的(Penn State Univ.)Evan Pugh Professor。1987年入选美国物理学会fellow,1996年获得第16届国际Fritz London Memorial Prize,2000年当选为美国科学院院士,2007年入选为美国科学促进会(American Association for the Advancement of Sciences)fellow。Chan教授在凝聚态物理基础研究方面做出了许多卓越的贡献,如超流氦和纳米超导等前沿领域,在Nature, Science, Nature physics, PRL等杂志发表了大量影响深远的学术成果。特别是在2004年(Nature, 427, 225 (2004),Science 305, 1941 (2004))首次在实验上给出了超流固体(Supersolid)存在的实验证据。超固体是继超导和超流之外发现的另一种重要的宏观量子效应。 此外,Chan教授也长期担任Physical Review Letters的副主编,也是香港特区政府聘任的海外科技咨询及评议专家等。
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