报告题目:The Discovery of First JNK Irreversible Inhibitor: A Rational Design for Kinase Inhibitor
报告者职称:Research Associate
报告者单位:Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School
报告时间: 8月21号,2:30 pm
报告地点:中科院金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅 综合科研楼508会议室
简短CV:博士毕业于中国科技大学化学系,拥有有机化学博士学位。先后在哈佛大学和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校进行物理有机化学和天然产物全合成方面的研究。现在在Dana-Farber Caner Institute 从事癌症药物的开发。区别于现代高通量药物筛选的方法,张廷虎博士运用蛋白质结构信息和计算机模拟技术对不可逆靶向作用药物进行设计。通过这种方法张廷虎博士成功发现第一个不可逆的JNK蛋白质激酶的抑制剂。
报告摘要:A rational designed irreversible JNK inhibitor was realized to target cysteine 116 (JNK1 and JNK2) and cysteine 154(JNK3). A co-crystal structure of irreversible inhibitor with JNK3 was disclosed to prove the covalent bond formation and the covalent bond was demonstrated to contribute significantly to the potency both in vitro and in vivo. Extensive profiling indicated that to target a specific cysteine is a powerful strategy for an enhanced discrimination on kinase.
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