

学术报告——Electron Injection and Electrical Fatigue in Organic Light-emitting Diodes

报告人: Dr. Andrea Gassmann (德国Darmstadt技术大学)
报告题目:Electron Injection and Electrical Fatigue in Organic Light-emitting Diodes
For the realization of long-lived and high-performance organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), efficient and stable cathode is mandatory. We will demonstrate that a novel bilayer cathode of Li3PO4/Al exhibits an efficient electron injection and enhanced device lifetime of both molecular and polymeric OLEDs. The investigation has been performed on the mechanism behind and interface properties of the new cathode. These studies reveal that the enhanced electron injection is not due to the doping of organic semiconductor close to the cathode but rather to the formation of dipolar interface which causes the lowering of work function (WF) of the cathode. The WF of Li3PO4/Al is found to be comparable to that of calcium.
Usually, the OLEDs exhibit a degradation of performance during electrical operation, i.e. electrical fatigue. Here, we will present the latest results on the mechanism of fatigue in the PPV-based polymeric LEDs via the study of hole transport in unipolar and bipolar PPV devices with time of flight (TOF) technique.
