

(12.3)学术报告——DNA methylation perspectives of biology and clinical management of cancer

题  目:DNA methylation perspectives of biology and clinical management of cancer
报告人:Prof. Jingde Zhu (朱景德教授)上海交通大学 肿瘤研究所
邀请人:刘青松 研究员
时 间:2012.12.03(周一)上午 9:30
地 点:金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅 201 会议室
报告人介绍:Jingde Zhu, Ph.D (1985) in molecular pathology from Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow, UK and worked as a senior scientist or PI in Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology, three academic institutions and one biotech firm in UK between 1985-2001. With the funding from the European union as well as both local and central Chinese governments, his recent research focusing at the epigenetic (-omic) perspectives of cancer biology and management, cancer diagnostics in particular , has appreciated by his peers. His work has been published in the prestigious Journals, including Cell, Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Cell Res, Genome Research, Cancer Research, Clinic Cancer Research and Journal of Biological Chemistry.
报告摘要:Epigenetics refers to the study of the DNA sequence independent signals and mechanisms for the transmission of the transcription memory through cell division, the fundamental process of development of high eukaryotes. The talk will cover the following parts: 1, Epigenomics comes of age; 2, The promise and challenges in the translational cancer studies;3, DNA methylation is the most promising molecular entities for cancer diagnostics and therapy; 4, Our own work。
