题目: Working with CROs for drug discovery
报告人:Dr. Lihu Yang(Asia Lead, Merck)
邀请人:刘青松 研究员
时间: 2013.01.07(周一). 上午 9:30
地点: 金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅 201 会议室
报告人介绍:Lihu received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Nankai University and his PhD from Rice University. He joined Merck Research Laboratories as a medicinal chemistin 1990. He has assumed increasing responsibilities over the years and became director, medicinal chemistry in 2001. His team was responsible for several clinical candidates at various phases of clinical trials in the areas of immunology, obesity and diabetes. In 2004, he started the Exploratory Chemistry group, which concentrated on target identification and validation. He has been involved in external research since 2008 when Merck established the External Basic Research site. He recently relocated to China and served as Asia Lead for External Medicinal Chemistry (Boston) in the area of Oncology, Respiratory and Inflammation. Dr. Yang has more than sixty publications and more than fifty issued patents. He also serves on the editorial boards of two medicinal chemistry journals.
报告摘要:The drive to improve productivity has driven many pharmaceutical companies to look east, in particular China, to access scientific talents and innovation. A number of contract research organizations (CROs) have sprouted up in China within the last ten years to take advantage of the abundant supply of well-e ducated domestically trained scientists and western trained "returnees". The business model has evolved from pure chemistry to integrated research including chemistry, in vitro and in vivo biology. Merck has been at the forefront of this change by working with the CROs on integrated medicinal chemistry programs. The external teams have been treated as an extension of the internal research groups by sharing all data related to the project.
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