

(2.28)学术报告:An electrical/optical hybrid approach towards quantum computing

题目:An electrical/optical hybrid approach towards quantum computing
邀请人: 薛飞研究员
时间: 2014.02.28. (周五)上午9:30
地点: 金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅201 会议室
报告人介绍: After completing his undergraduate study at Nanjing University, Dr. Yin joined the research group of Prof Bo Shen at Peking University. Since 2011 he has been working with Prof Sven Rogge at CQC2T-UNSW as a research fellow, focusing on a project of optical addressing and photon coupling of individual atoms in silicon quantum computing. This project has achieved the first important milestone and has demonstrated optical addressing of an individual erbium rare-earth centre in silicon. For the first time, the hyperfine structure of one 167Er centre in silicon was clearly shown, and single ionization events of individual Ercentres were observed in real time.
报告摘要:An optical/electrical hybrid approach is appealing towards quantum computing, as it combines the high energy resolution achieved in the optical approach with high readout efficiency demonstrated by the electrical approach. In this talk, I will show our recent progress on this hybrid approach based on single erbium atoms in a silicon nano-transistor [Nature 497, 91(2013)]. The high energy resolution and electrical sensitivity enabled the probe of the electron and nuclear spin state of an individual erbium atom.
