(9.24)学术报告:Nanomaterials in One Dimension: Exploring Mesoscopic Phenomena with Template-Grown Nanowires
报告人:Thomas E. Mallouk
邀请人:田明亮 研究员
时 间:2014.9.24(周三) 15:30
地 点:金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅五楼大报告厅
Abstract: Mesoscopic properties emerge when the size of an object matches a characteristic physical length scale, such as the exciton radius in a semiconductor or the coherence length of Cooper pairs in a superconductor. Nanowires are particularly interesting in this context as quasi-1D materials. By using anodic alumina and track-etched polymer membranes as templates, we have made “striped” and core-shell nanowires with precise control over dimensions and composition. These structural features allow one to explore the unusual electronic transport properties of single-crystal nanowires. The motion of nano- and microwires in fluids is also a mesoscopic phenomenon because a crossover to new behavior occurs at low Reynolds number. Bi- and trimetallic nanorods are catalytically self-propelled in fuel-containing solutions at speeds that are comparable to those of flagellar bacteria. Despite the difference in propulsion mechanisms, catalytic nano- and micromotors are subject to the same external forces as natural motors such as bacteria. Therefore they follow the same scaling laws and exhibit similar emergent behavior (e.g., magnetotaxis, chemotaxis, schooling, and predator-prey behavior). Recently we have found that bimetallic nanowires also undergo autonomous motion and a range of collective behavior in fluids when excited by low power ultrasound. The acoustic propulsion mechanism may be particularly useful for biomedical applications because it is salt-tolerant and does not involve toxic chemical fuels.
Thomas E. Mallouk ,1996年至今任JACS副主编,2005年起担任宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Penn State)纳米科学中心主任,2008年主办材料研究学快报,并于同年获得美国化学学会材料化学奖。2009年当选为美国人文与科学院(AAAS)院士,2010年出任Penn state太阳能纳米材料中心主任,同年被授予Penn State最高荣誉的Evan Pugh 教授,2011年被评为Thompson-Reuters百强材料科学家,2012年当选为Gordon研究委员会可再生能源之太阳能电池的共同主席,2013年被授予Penn state生物化学与分子生物学教授,2014年任AAAS化学部主席。在国际主要学术刊物上发表论文375篇,被他人引用24700次,H因子高达89。主要研究领域为无机材料的合成以及其在太阳能转换上的应用,催化与电催化作用,微纳电机,低维物理现象及环境化学等。