报告题目:2G HTS Magnet Technology
报 告 人:Honghai Song, Ph.D.
单 位:The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) of Michigan State University
报告地点:金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅 201 会议室
2013-present: MSU/FRIB, Magnet Staff Engineer
2011-2013: SuperPower Inc., Magnet Design Engineer and Project Leader
2010-2011: GE Global Research, Post-doctoral Research Fellow
2006-2010: NHMFL, Ph.D.
2004-2006: Southwest Jiaotong University, Research staff
2001-2004: Southwest Jiaotong University, M.S.
1997-2001: Southwest Jiaotong University, B.S.
REBCO 2G HTS coils are in high demand for high field applications, such as insert magnets in DC user facility and Nuclear Resonance Imaging spectroscopy, high field accelerator magnet in high energy physics, and high stability and high radiation resistance magnet for nuclear physics in unprecedented radiation environment. Both single piece length and in-field critical current density Jc of the REBCO conductor has been considerably improved in recent years. Its longitudinal mechanical strength is outstanding and resulted yielding stain and stress is more than 0.5% and 600 MPa respectively. Owing to its specific thin architecture, it has exceptional bend tolerance (<12 mm in bend diameter) and readiness to fabricate low resistance lap joint. Starting with a review on the recent technology development, I will discuss challenges on HTS coils using REBCO conductor. It will present HTS coil design, fabrication and assembly which necessitates novel approaches in order to achieve high quality high field magnets.© 1996 - 金沙贵宾厅(中国)优惠大厅-首页|welcome 版权所有 皖ICP备05001008号-11
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