Dan Dessau is a full professor in the Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder and is presently Vice-Chair of the Division of Materials Physics, American Physical Society. He received his PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford University in 1993, working with Professors W.E. Spicer and Zhi Xun Shen. He has been at the forefront of electronic spectroscopies of correlated systems for many years, especially for the development of high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and laser-ARPES, for studies of the pairing symmetry and pseudogaps in cuprates, on the nature of colossal magnetoresistance in manganites, and studies of other novel materials. His publications describing this work have been cited over 8000 times.
Dan Dessau教授希望能和大家就今后可能的合作进行讨论和交流,尤其是可解理的低维新材料。有兴趣的老师,可以在报告前后和他进行个人交流。
Dan Dessau教授实验组的主页地址:https://spot.colorado.edu/~dessau
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