报告人: Dr. Mark D. Bird
Director of Magnet Science and Technology
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Tallahassee, Florida
报告题目:Development of High Field DC Magnets at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
报告摘要:The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) provides the most intense dc and pulsed magnetic fields worldwide for a variety of types of experiments in physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences. The MagLab includes 7 user facilities: 1) Pulsed magnets up to 101 T for ~10 ms, 2) dc powered magnets up to 45 T, 3) high-resolution NMR magnets up to 21.1 T, 4) MRI magnets up to 21 T for rodents, 5) Ion-Cyclotron Resonance magnets up to 21 T, as well as 6) ultra-high ratios of field to temperature including 15 T at 0.4 mK.
Various ultra-high field magnet projects are underway presently and will be described, including: The recently completed 26 T, 4 MW hybrid magnet for neutron scattering at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin.The 36 T, 1ppm, 14 MW hybrid magnet in Tallahassee which should be complete in early 2016.The superconducting coil for the 45 T hybrid magnet in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, scheduled for operation in 2018.The 32 T superconducting magnet using YBCO tape that should be compelte in mid-2106.
Mark Bird博士,1992年斯坦福大学获机械工程博士学位,博士毕业至今一直在塔拉哈希美国强磁场实验室磁体科学技术部从事工程技术及管理工作,先后担任助理研究员,工程服务部负责人,水冷磁体项目部负责人,2006年起任磁体科学技术部主任;2010年荣获佛罗里达大学杰出学者荣誉;2012年起任美国国家强磁场实验室副主任。
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