

(10.19)学术报告:Natural Product Drug Discovery - All the Reasons for All the Seasons

题   目:Natural Product Drug Discovery - All the Reasons for All the Seasons

主讲人:Prof. Shugeng Cao

邀请人:刘青松 研究员

时间: 2015.10.19(周一) 10:00


报告人简介:曹树更教授任职于美国夏威夷大学希罗分校。他主要从事天然产物的分离鉴定和药理活性的检测工作,具有非常丰富的天然药物的研究工作经验,是Organic Letters,Journal of Natural Product,Tetrahedron等9种学术期刊的特约评审专家。曹树更博士在Science, Cell, PNAS, Org. Lett.,  J. Natural Product 等国际权威学术期刊上发表论文70余篇,获国际专利5项。

报告摘要: Many years have passed since all the big Pharmaceutical companies closed the natural product operations. But this gave small companies and academics opportunity to carry out natural product research. We have identified many novel compounds with different biological activities from various new natural sources, including tropical plants, arthropods-associated bacteria, endophytic fungi, and bacteria from deep-sea sediments etc. The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine may refocus us on the idea that the immense diversity of natural products is a great starting point for drug discovery.                                               