

学术报告(9.8):Large ON/OFF ratio of ultrathin (Bi1-xSbx)2Se3 field effect transistor and magnetic proximity effect in (Bi1-xSbx)2Se3/CoFe2O4




报告题目:Large ON/OFF ratio of ultrathin (Bi1-xSbx)2Se3 field effect transistor and magnetic proximity effect in (Bi1-xSbx)2Se3/CoFe2O4


Ultrathin films of topological insulator (TI) are well known the promising candidates for the large ON/OFF ratio field effect transistor (FET). Owing to their unique chemical potential-dependent spin polarization, spin-current transistors are expected to be realized and become one of the major research goal towards nanoscaled spintronic device applications. To date, most of the studies mainly focused on the prototype TI, namely the Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3 and ternary (Bi1-xSbx)2Te3. However, tunable TI systems with topological phase transition such as antimony-doped Bi2Se3 are rarely explored in this ultrathin regime. We have demonstrated the strong and robust topological surface states (TSS) in this (Bi1-xSbx)2Se3 ternary compound as revealed by ARPES and transport measurement. In this work, we further studied the field-effect properties of ultrathin (Bi1-xSbx)2Se3 that grown on SrTiO3 (111) by MBE. By increasing the Sb doping level and reducing the film thickness down to ~5 nm, there is a crossover of transport phenomena from quantum diffusive to intermediate insulating regime (kFl~1) or strong disorder regime (kFl<<1). Large ON/OFF ratio was obtained in 5-nm FET in which the resistance has increased by almost two order of magnitude (~14000%) when Fermi level (EF) is shifted downward by applying negative back gate voltage, Vg. The presence of ambipolar-like behavior and very large Rxx, max with kFl<<1 suggest that the EF is tuned inside the surface gap that opened due to the hybridization of the top and bottom surface states. In comparison to other system with similar thickness, the obtained ON/OFF ratio in our finding is among the largest. The reduction of the sheet carrier concentration due to the Sb doping and the ultrathin thickness should be the main ingredient for such a high ON/OFF. The magnetic proximity effect in (Bi1-xSbx)2Se3/CoFe2O4 and other key progress of 3D TIs and 2D TIs recently developed in our research group will also be presented in this talk.

