

The 13th International Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields (RHMF2024)

Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce that the pre-registration and abstract submission for the 13th International Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields (RHMF2024), to be held in Nijmegen, the Netherlands from 7 to 11 July 2024, is now open.


RHMF2024 is a satellite conference of the International Conference on Magnetism (ICM2024, 30 June - 5 July 2024, Bologna, Italy). The scope of RHMF2024 covers traditional and new topics on fundamental and applied physics and related subject areas where high magnetic fields play a crucial role.


We already have started to set up an exciting program with renowned invited speakers (see conference flyer attached) and we cordially invite you to pre-register and to submit an abstract for this meeting. Please refer to the conference website https://www.hfml.ru.nl/RHMF2024/ for more information.


We are grateful if you also share this information with colleagues who may be interested in participating in RHMF2024.


We are looking forward to meeting you this summer in Nijmegen.


Peter Christianen (HFML-FELIX, Nijmegen, the Netherlands),

on behalf of the RHMF2024 organizing committee
