

学术报告——Is LIM kinase really an anticancer target?When the Chemistry takes on the Biology

题 目:Is LIM kinase really an anticancer target? When the Chemistry takes on the Biology
报告人:Prof. Jonathan Baell
单 位 :Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Monash University
邀请人:刘青松 研究员
时 间: 2012.11.07. (周三)下午 2:00
地 点: 金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅 201 会议室
报告人介绍:Dr Baell, Larkins Fellow and Senior Research Fellow of the National Health and Medical Research Council, is a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS, Victoria, Australia), Head of the MIPS-Servier Medicinal Chemistry Program and Head of the Australian Translational Medicinal Chemistry Facility. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. 
报告摘要: Over many years, a significant amount of biological evidence has built up that inhibition of LIMK1/2 kinase could result in inhibition of metastatic cancer….and possibly primary tumour growth. As such, the Collaborative Research Centre for Cancer Therapeutics (CTx) initiated a drug discovery program to search for small molecule inhibitors of LIMK1/2 kinase and Professor Baell led this project. This seminar outlines an astonishing outcome with the use of a molecular tool and illustrates the important interplay between chemistry and biology. This short seminar will conclude with a short presentation of some history between China and the speaker’s home Island of Tasmania that not many people know about.
