题 目:Applications of Mnova software
报告人:Chen Peng PhDVP of Businese Development, US & China MESTRELAB RESEARCH, S.L)
邀请人:王俊峰 研究员
时 间: 2012.11.13. (周二)上午 9:00
地 点: 金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅 201 会议室
1. General offline processing, analysis and publishing of 1D and 2D NMR and LC/GC/MS for organic and natural products chemistry research and education.
2. Spin simulation based a structure or user-defined spins (chemical shifts and J couplings, Dipolar and Quadruple couplings etc) – see attached PDF for details.
3. Multiple spectral processing and analysis for applications such as metabolomics studies, relaxation studies, diffusion studies, kinetics and reaction monitoring etc.
4. Batch processing and analysis of protein-ligand binding spectra, such as STD, T1rho, and WaterLogsy for fragment based drug design.
5. Building NMR (and MS) spectral databases for analytical data management.
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