

学术报告——Outperforming the average in Drug Discovery

题 目:Outperforming the average in Drug Discovery
邀请人:刘青松 研究员
时 间: 2012.11.16.(本周五) 上午 9:30
地 点: 金沙贵宾厅-优惠大厅 201 会议室
报告人简介:靳博涵博士近任职于武田加利福尼亚,担任小分子药物研发项目主任。他主要从事癌症和免疫学的最新药物开发工作,具有非常丰富的领军经验,在武田曾成功带领多个大规模的全球重点项目,也是Organic Letters,Tetrahedron,Tetrahedron Letters学术期刊的特约评审专家。靳博涵博士在Eur. J. Org. Chem,J. Org. Chem,Org. Lett., Tetrahedron等国际权威学术期刊上发表论文,有7项国际专利在申请中,其中2项已被批准。
报告摘要:The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway plays a central role in the regulation of cell metabolism, growth, proliferation, and survival. mTOR, being an essential downstream component of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, renders itself an excellent target for tumors bearing mutations or amplification of PI3K, Akt, or mutations or deletion of the PTEN phosphatase gene, a tumor suppressor that negatively regulates PI3K activity. In this seminar I will talk about a SBDD guided Drug Discovery effort I led at Takeda California, which successfully resulted in the delivery of multiple clinical candidates, in particular Takeda’s global Development Candidate TAK-899, a best in class TORC1&2 inhibitor.
