报告人:Prof. Yongmin Kim
工作单位: Department of Applied Physics at Dankook University, Korea.
主持人: 田明亮教授
报告题目:Optical Anisotropy and Diamagnetic Energy Shift in InP-GaP effective-mass superlattice
Linearly polarized photoluminescence measurements in pulsed magnetic fields to ~ 50 T were made from an MBE grown InP-GaP short period superlattice which shows lateral composition modulation.[1] At B=0 T, two distinguished emission peaks emerged which are identified as transitions from In-rich-well and Ga-rich-barrier regions. Both transitions not only are strongly linear polarized parallel to the [110] crystal direction but also show blue- and red-spectral shifts while changing the probe polarizer direction from [110] to [1-10]. In the presence of magnetic field, two peaks exhibit different diamagnetic energy shifts. The difference of the diamagnetic energy shift is due to the formation of effective-mass modulation along the lateral direction within the modulation of the In-rich and Ga-rich regions. Our experimental results agree well with theoretically calculated parameters of InP-GaP effective-mass superlattice.[2] It was only theoretically discussed and our experimental results exhibit experimental realization of the effective-mass superlattice.
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